Home About Us News Emergency Repair of PT mezzanine slab

Emergency Repair of PT mezzanine slab

Freyssinet, Inc. received a call in early March from  the owner of a high end condominium residence property near Thomas Circle in Washington, DC.
The property was under renovation, and unexpected post tensioning cables were encountered in a mezzanine slab which was to be reconfigured.  Four strands had been unintentionally severed and several more needed to be shortened and reanchored in order for the renovation to proceed as planned.

 Building Entrance

 Freyssinet, Inc. was able to respond quickly, and using specialized tools and materials obtained from their local facility, the renovation schedule was put back on track. In just nine work days, Freyssinet, Inc.'s team was able to restore the function of the severed strands, install proprietary carbon fiber reinforcement, and shorten the remaining strands so that that the mezzanine slab could be truncated and reconfigured without structural impact to the surrounding area.


